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Tired of the same old, tired, completely unoriginal Valentine Day dates? Well, look no further, this list is for you!

1. A Public Space and a “Love Board”

If you love love and enjoy socializing with new people and engaging in conversations, this is the perfect Valentine’s date for you and your significant other. Buy or rent a large board and celebrate Valentine’s day not only with your loved one, but your entire community, by asking perfect strangers to write anything about love on the board. Thus, it becomes the “love board” that you and your other half created.

2. “How well do you know your boo?” Scavenger Hunt

You can either plan this one as a surprise for your significant other or plan it together. But the idea is to have a scavenger hunt for a few hours that will eventually lead to you and your partner getting to the same place for a date. The catch is that you have to know each other really well to be able to figure out each stage of the scavenger hunt and the clues/questions to be able to eventually meet.

3. Have a “What’s Love Got To Do With It?” Karaoke Party

Whether you’re coupled or single, this is a great Valentine’s Day idea if you’re just not into the holiday at all. In this anti-love party, invite all fellow Valentine’s Day haters for karaoke. But there’s a caveat: only anti-love songs can be played at this karaoke party. Sorry, no Cherie Amour soundtracks here.

4. Valentine’s Day Singles vs. Couples Cook-Off

If you enjoy cooking, and have a good group of both single and coupled friends, this Valentine’s Day celebration is for you. Organize a cook-off with couples versus singles. It can either be prepared beforehand or at the dinner location, and each person has to vote for his or her favorite dish. This is also a good way to play matchmaker for your single friends.

5. Dinner and Dancing From Your Favorite Era

If you want to stay in for Valentine’s Day, but also do something romantic and fun, how about playing dress up with bae for the night? Decide on your favorite decade, dress accordingly, and decorate your home in the era’s theme as well. Bonus points if you manage to somehow incorporate food choices from the decade you choose.

6. Open Mic Night for you and your Valentine

If you’re one of those artistically inclined super talented, and/or outgoing couples, take to an open forum to celebrate each other. Whether it is poetry or spoken word or some other oral creative outlet, you and your significant other can put together a piece for each other and perform it in a room full of people. You may be one of those annoying couples now but hey, as long as your love is as good privately as it is out in the public, who cares?

7. Write a Love Letter to Yourself

No matter what kind of love you may or may not have in your life, maybe celebrate Valentine’s Day by writing a love letter to yourself. Write about the love that you have and are, the love that you can give, and the love you want to cultivate. Whatever your relationship status, don’t forget that while you’re out there choosing love, make sure you’re choosing the best kind of love.

RELATED LINK: Did You Know February 15th Is Singles Awareness Day? Single People Unite!


7 Non-Traditional Ways Anyone Can Celebrate Valentine’s Day This Year  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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