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Rachel Dolezal, the woman who, under the guise of blackness, served as the president of the Spokane, Wash. chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) before being busted last year, has given birth to a baby boy.

Dolezal made the announcement on her Facebook page, telling her followers she named the bundle of joy after two prominent Black History figures — Langston Hughes and Crispus Attucks.

Little Langston makes Dolezal a mother of three. Though his mother is biologically White, the baby’s ethnicity is unclear.

But what’s even more impressive is that the baby came in the middle of Black History Month. Dolezal tried to tell us, her commitment is real.

SOURCE: Facebook | PHOTO CREDIT: Facebook


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Wait…Is Rachel Dolezal Really Pregnant, Or “Rachel Dolezal” Pregnant?

It’s True: Rachel Dolezal Named Her Newborn Son After Two Black History Figures  was originally published on

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