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During an recent interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump proclaimed he will “do great with the African-Americans” despite using inflammatory rhetoric and offering no specific plan to address issues important to the Black community.

Trump told Tapper on Sunday’s edition of CNN’s State of the Union:

“The other thing is African-American voters, I think I’m going to get a tremendous amount.  And you’ve seen the stories where African-American leaders are saying, ‘You know, my people really like Trump!’” 

“Because I’m going to bring jobs back from China and Mexico and Japan and Vietnam and India and all these places that are taking their jobs. I’m going to bring jobs back. A recent poll came out where I had 25 percent African-American and the Republicans usually get about four or five percent.”  

Later during his appearance on CNN, Trump spouted a series of statistics highlighting the abysmal unemployment statistics for Blacks saying, “African-American youth is 58 percent unemployed. African-Americans in their prime are substantially worse off economically than the Whites in their prime. It’s a very sad situation.”

On Monday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed Trump’s assertion of doing well among African-American voters and the possibility of the GOP’s front-runner winning the Republican presidential nomination.

NewsOne Now panelist Michelle Bernard responded to Trump’s remarks saying, “If you look at Donald Trump before he ran for president and the African-Americans that we saw him hanging out with, clearly for marketing purposes — they’re nowhere to be seen.”

“The only high-level or semi-high-level celebrity, if you want to say that, hangs with Donald Trump publicly now is Omarosa,” Bernard said. “That’s not going to do anything for Donald Trump.”

She opined, “He’s got a serious problem when you say ‘Let’s make America great again.”

Lauren Victoria Burke, Managing Editor of said, “Whoever the nominee is, whether it’s him (Donald Trump) or Ted Cruz has a serious problem with Black and Latino voters.”

Watch Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss Donald Trump’s belief that he will garner a significant amount of African American votes in the video clip above.

TV One’s NewsOne Now has moved to 7 A.M. ET, be sure to watch “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes. 


Black Teen Who Volunteered For Donald Trump’s Iowa Campaign Shares His Experiences With Staffers

“I’m Going To Do Great With The African-Americans:” Trump Says He Has Black Voter Support  was originally published on

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