Majic ATL Featured Video
'Born Again Virgin' Atlanta Premiere

Source: Prince Williams / Getty

Donovan busts up a girl bonding session between Jenna, Kelly and Tara and asks if Jenna will be willing to learn how to play spades because he needs a partner for his fraternity’s charity fundraiser.

This sounds sexy, but it’s not. Donovan such a tough spades coach (but Jenna sucked though) that Jenna ran to Tara for help with her practice.

Meanwhile, Kelly’s sister hooked her up with a doctor named Raj. He was cute, but he was Indian so Kelly started tripping about the fact that he wasn’t black and everyone gave her the side eye, especially because Raj was sexy, smart, well employed, and they had great conversation. The point about Raj’s awesomeness was later enforced after he sent her some flowers with a nice poem asking her out to dinner. You know, like actually trying to court her! Jenna and Tara are impressed, and convince Kelly to stop being so cynical.

Turns out, dinner with Raj went so well that Kelly decided to give up the goods…and Raj was on point in the bedroom too.

Back at home, Jenna got tired of practicing spades with Donovan so she told him to ask Tara, the self-proclaimed spades champion, to be his partner.

During a practice session with Tara, Donovan revealed what we all know, he wants to date Jenna, but she’s not giving up the goods, which is a problem for him…but aside from that Tara and Donovan won their trophy.


‘Born Again Virgin’ Recap: Jenna Has A New Boyfriend (Not Donovan)

‘Born Again Virgin’ Recap: Jenna’s Mom Is Crazier Than She Is

‘Born Again Virgin’ Recap: Kelly Learns To Love The Swirl  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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