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In a conversation that spilled into CNN’s Wednesday morning broadcast, contributor Van Jones, a former Obama staffer, and Jeffrey Lord, an ardent Donald Trump supporter, engaged in a fiery debate on Super Tuesday about race, the Democratic Party, and the Ku Klux Klan.

The debate, which occurred while results rolled in, began when their colleague S.E. Cupp, a conservative, charged Trump with “crazy, dog-whistle policy proposals” in an effort to win votes among a prejudiced electorate, reports the Washington Post

Jones and Lord continued the conversation during another heated on air exchange on Wednesday morning, but here are choice comments from Tuesday night’s debate, according to the Post:

Jones: “No, you need to take a serious look at the fact that this man is playing fast and loose. … When you talk about terrorism, he gets passionate. He says, ‘No, this is wrong.’ But when you talk about the Klan, ‘Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know.’”

Jones then pointed out that Lord once compared the Trump-KKK imbroglio to President Obama’s relationship to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright — the president’s one-time pastor videotaped saying “God damn America!”


“Reverend Wright never lynched anybody!” Jones said. “… Reverend Wright never put anybody on a post. And you guys play these word games, and it’s wrong to do in America. It is wrong to do!”

We’re glad Jones spoke his truth, but we don’t think that Lord and ilk get it. Watch the video above and let us know your thoughts.

SOURCE: Washington Post | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty | VIDEO CREDIT: YouTube


Clinton & Trump Score Big Wins On Super Tuesday

WATCH: CNN’s Van Jones & Jeffrey Lord Spar Over Trump, KKK In Heated Debate  was originally published on

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