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GOP Presidential Candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) Gives Foreign Policy Address

Source: Bryan Thomas / Getty

Marco Rubio channeled his inner Nicki Minaj and threw some major shade during the eleventh GOP debate on Thursday night in Detroit, Michigan.

The Florida Senator came out throwing punches quoting John Oliver’s Trump recent HBO segment, questioning the ridiculousness of Trump Steaks to the billionaire’s supporters being blinded to Trump selling products made in China and Mexico. Most important, Rubio was clear that Trump is more about jabs and insults than anything substantive, CNN noted

“You see what happens again when you challenge him on a policy issue? The first thing he does is launch an attack on some little guy thing,” Rubio said. 

He added that Trump is nothing more than a con man.

“He’s making promises he has no intention of keeping and it won’t just be $36,000 that they’ll lose — it’s our country that’s at stake here. He’s trying to con people into give him their vote, just like he conned these people into giving him their money.”

Even Ted Cruz got his licks in saying, “For 40 years, Donald has been part of the corruption in Washington that you’re angry about. And your’e not going to stop the corruption in Washington by supporting someone who has supported liberal Democrats for four decades,”

Rubio and Cruz weren’t the only ones coming for Trump.

FOX News, who usually throws softballs during their debates, was surprisingly critical of the frontrunner, pressing Trump for flip-flopping on critical issues and the failures of his university where former students are suing him, claiming they were scammed “while Trump took in tens of millions of dollars,” CNN pointed out.

Sadly in return, Trump spent his time speaking in circles, calling Rubio “this little guy” and defending his penis size by joking that Rubio’s remarks about his “smaller hands” weren’t an issue.

“I guarantee you there’s no problem,” he promised.  

Meanwhile, the forgettable Ohio Governor John Kasich, was the most visible voice of reason, getting more screen time than usual, calling for less fighting and more unity.

“This has been going on for an awful long time here. And I appreciate the discussion back and forth. But there are a lot of people out there yearning for somebody who’s going to bring America back, both at the leadership level and in the neighborhood, where we can begin to reignite the spirit of the United States of America,” he said.

Totally cute, but it’s probably too late for him.

Finally, there was barely any talk about the Flint water crisis with only Rubio pretending what happened was not about Republican neglect or racism, notes the Detroit Free Press. He said the “politicizing of it” was “really unfair.”

“I don’t think someone woke up one morning and said, ‘Let’s … poison someone,’ ” Rubio said.

OK boo.

It’s unclear who won tonight’s debate, but here’s what we know: Rubio was not playing any games. Spoken like someone who is clearly behind in delegates.

‘It’s Not A Game,’ Rubio Comes Haaaaard During The GOP Debate  was originally published on

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