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In his eighth and final White House Correspondents’ Dinner, President Barack Obama forever solidified his legacy as perhaps the funniest and most gangsta President in U.S. history. In this traditional roasting session, POTUS, with Michelle Obama by his side, threw shade at journalists, politicians and celebrities–and did not disappoint, NPR noted.

Some of HELLO BEAUTIFUL’s favorite jokes included:

  • “If these jokes work well, I’m going to use them at Goldman Sachs next year. Earn me some serious Tubmans.”

  • “I was running on CPT, which stands for jokes that white people should not make.” (Giving a jab at NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s recent joke made while stumping for Hillary Clinton)
  • “As you know, Spotlight is a film about investigative journalists with the resources, the autonomy, to chase down the truth and hold the powerful accountable. Best fantasy film since Star Wars.”
  • “Someone jumped the White House fence last week. But I give the Secret Service credit. They found Michelle and brought her back home. Just 9 more months, baby. Settle down.”
  • “Bernie Sanders, you look like a million bucks. Or to put it in terms you’ll understand, you look like 37,000 donations of $27 each.”
  • “I’ve said how much I admire Hillary Clinton’s toughness, her chops, her experience. But you gotta admit it. Hillary trying to appeal to young voters is a little bit like your relative who just signed up for Facebook. “Dear America, did you get my poke? Is it appearing on your wall? I’m not sure I’m using this right. Love, Aunt Hillary.”
  • “I have are appreciation for those who have been with me on this ride, like one of our finest public servants,Joe Biden. I love that guy. I want to thank him for his friendship, his counsel, for always giving it to me straight. And for not shooting anybody in the face.”
  • “There’s one area where Trump’s experience could be invaluable … closing down Guantanamo. Trump knows a thing or two about running waterfront properties into the ground.”
  • “Hillary once asked if I would be ready for a 3 a.m. phone call … now I’m awake anyway because I gotta go to the bathroom.”
  • “GOP Chairman Reince Priebus is here — I’m glad you feel like you have earned a night off. Congratulations on your success: the nomination process is going great.”

Yeah, he brought the jokes. Not to mention, did you peep how he ended his speech?


POTUS wasn’t the only one cutting up at the podium.Comedy Central’s The Daily Show host Larry Wilmore made Black folks laugh, Don Lemon to give him the middle finger and white people in the crowd visibly uncomfortable. Wilmore was hard, especially journalists, which created groans from the crowd, The Daily Beast noted. Some of his jokes, which also were aimed at POTUS, included:

  • “Some of America’s finest black journalists are here tonight. Don Lemon’s here, too.”
  • “Welcome to Negro Night here … or as Fox News will report, two thugs disrupt elegant dinner in D.C.”
  • “Hey, Wolf [Blitzer], I’m ready to project tonight’s winner: Anyone who isn’t watching The Situation Room.” 
  • “I’m a black man who replaced a white man who pretended to be a TV newscaster. So yeah, in that way Lester Holt and I have a lot in common.”
  • “All I’m saying is that in less than eight years, Mr. President, you’ve busted two time-honored stereotypes, black does crack, and apparently once you go black, it looks like we are going back. Thanks, Ben Carson.” 

Wilmore got a bit serious toward the end, stressing what Obama’s presidency meant to him.

“When I was a kid I lived in a country where people couldn’t accept a black quarterback. Now think about that: A black man was thought by his mere color not good enough to lead a football team. And now to live in your time, Mr. President, when a black man can lead the entire free world.”

And then right after, he dropped the N-word.

“Yo Barry, you did it my n—a,” Wilmore said to President Obama at the close of his remarks.

Clearly that got some folks in their feelings and while some media outlets such as the New York Post said Wilmore “bombed,” all in all, Black Twitter was here for the duo:

What did you think? Was POTUS funny? Did Wilmore take it too far?


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POTUS Drops Mic At His Final Correspondents’ Dinner, Gets Last Laugh  was originally published on

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