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Georgia police are currently investigating the attack of a 6-year-old first grader in a Henry County elementary school bathroom. The perpetrator? A student who is twice her age.

According to Atlanta’s FOX affiliate, the older Oakland Elementary student reportedly choked the first grader, put her head in the toilet several times and hit her head on the toilet. A teacher intervened when she heard the commotion in the bathroom and when she got there she was horrified by what she saw. The 6-year-old was lying bloody and soaked on the floor, 11 Alive wrote.

The victim’s mother Cheryl Tackett told 11 Alive that this attack was premeditated and that she had warned the school a week ago that the older student threatened to beat up her child.

“The girl said she wanted to talk to my daughter,” Tackett said. “She pulled her into the bathroom and proceeded with the attack.” She added, “That’s my baby. Who would attack an innocent 6-year-old?”

The child’s father Jeremy Tackett also told the news, “You send your kids to school to get an education; they should not have to worry about getting pulled into the bathroom and getting pummeled by somebody almost twice their age.”

The 5th grader accused of the attack was charged in juvenile court. Meanwhile, the victim’s parents have taken the child out of the school. Thankfully, the 6-year-old is doing well physically, but her mother admits that she is suffering emotionally.

“She goes to describe it, but she can’t really finish because she cries. She’s traumatized. She doesn’t want to go in bathrooms by herself,” Mrs. Tackett said. 

11 Alive says that the school states that they are aware of the beating and are currently investigating it, but cannot say more because it involves to minors and the case is ongoing. No word on whether school officials admit that the child’s parents warned them prior and what was said during that conversation.


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Absolutely Not! 6-Year-Old First Grader Brutally Attacked In School Bathroom By Fifth Grade Student  was originally published on

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