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Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump may not be well-liked among his newfound political constituents, but the reality television star has a bevy of entertainment supporters who have formally endorsed him, including Mike TysonDennis Rodman, and Terrell Owens

Trump, a New York real estate mogul and star of the hit reality television show The Apprentice, is in the midst of a struggle to unify Republicans after a bitter primary fight. Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan recently refused to endorse Trump after a meeting, for fear that he doesn’t uphold the Party’s conservative values. But his political foes need look no further than celebrities who have endorsed him.

This may be what the country needs and Trump … he’s a guy who won’t put up with B.S. and has what it takes to change how government is run,” former NFL star Owens told TMZ in June.

Tyson, who has known Trump for years, had some of his biggest fights in the 1980s at Trump hotel-casinos, notes the Daily Beast.

Let’s try something new. Let’s run America like a business, where no colors matter. Whoever can do the job, gets the job,” Tyson told HuffPost Live’s Alex Miranda.

Trump is expected to be officially nominated in July at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.



Trump Picks All White Supreme Court Nominees

14 Surprising Celebrity Trump Endorsements  was originally published on

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