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Hillary Clinton made history last night.

After key victories in the California, New Jersey, and New Mexico primaries, the former Secretary of State is poised to clench the Democratic Presidential nomination, according to the New York Times.

Hillary is the first woman in American history to win a major party’s nomination.

Clinton stood on the cusp of the historic moment, praising the women who came before her:

“Tonight caps an amazing journey — a long, long journey,” she said, noting the historical foremothers that preceeded her,  “We all owe so much to those who came before, and tonight belongs to all of you.”

On the other side of the country, Bernie Sanders continued his campaign in Santa Monica, CA last night, vowing to stop Mr. Trump from a White House victory.

Bernie did see wins in the North Dakota caucuses and the Montana primary, but suffered a huge blow by losing California in primary votes last night. Despite the ominous set back, Bernie pledged to continue his fight.

The final battle ground will be a primary vote in the District of Columbia next week. Bernie, who has reinvigorated a young, liberal base, was transparent about the far-fetched journey ahead of him.

“I am pretty good in arithmetic, and I know that the fight in front of us is a very, very steep fight,” he said. “But we will continue to fight for every vote and every delegate we can get.”

So what does a Hillary win mean for us? We’re not sure. A lot of trust and rapport has to be built to undo the missteps of the last couple of months. Hillary has been criticized throughout her run for ‘shucking and jiving’ and pandering to POC for votes.

Recently, Hillary made an appearance on the Black Girls Rock stage, a move that was criticized by many.”Black women are change-makers and path breakers, and ground shakers,” Hillary said in her speech to the BGR audience.

“When Black women rock, Black families rock, the world rocks.”

The presidential hopeful went on to praise the moment, explaining that when Black women win, we all win.

“My life has been changed by strong Black women leaders….We’re celebrating tonight but there are a lot of barriers holding back African Americans in this country and Black women in particular. A gathering of this filled with so many powerful, strong women, is a rebuke to every single one of those barriers.”

The next couple of months will prove how aligned Hillary’s interests are with the needs of Black women and Black America as a whole.

With a Bernie defeat looming, we will all have to #standwithher to defeat the presumptive Republican nominee, Donald Trump.


Hillary Clinton First Woman To Win The Democratic Presidential Nomination After Clenching Key Primary Victories  was originally published on

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