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Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reached a historic milestone. She’s the first woman to become the presidential nominee for a major political party. 

After Tuesday’s primary contests in New Jersey, New Mexico, South Dakota, and California, Secretary Clinton now has well over the required 2,383 delegates needed to be named the Democratic Party’s nominee. 

The focus now shifts to Donald Trump and the general election in November, despite Bernie Sanders’ vow to continue fighting until the convention.

During Wednesday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed Clinton’s historic win, the current state of the presidential race, and what needs to happen next in order for the presumptive Democratic nominee to defeat Trump in November.

A. Scott Bolden told Martin, we can celebrate Clinton’s historic win for a couple of days, but “the fact of the matter is, there is a super important election that she’s got to win.”

“She is a seriously flawed candidate, as Donald Trump is, but the reality is, she’s got to mend and bring the delegates and the Democratic Party together, because Bernie Sanders is still out there,” said Bolden.

“He is a problem, and he needs to go away,” said Bolden, adding Sanders needs to work behind the scenes and “merge his agenda with her agenda” to pull the Democratic Party together.

NewsOne Now panelist Dru Ealons agreed with Bolden: “Clinton should bring the party together, but she cannot do it alone.” She continued, “Bernie Sanders also needs to bring his people along and start turning the page.”

While the majority of the conversation addressed Clinton and Sanders coalescing under the Democratic banner, Bob Woodson, Founding President of the Center for Neighborhood Enterprise, addressed a topic no one seems to be talking about:

“What is missing is this tremendous turmoil in America. The very fact that Donald Trump can get more votes in the primary than anybody running means that there is great turmoil and frustration and feeling of alienation.

“The very fact that Bernie Sanders could challenge Clinton, which means that there’s turmoil bubbling up underneath.”

Woodson later said Trump has “given expression” to the turmoil and thanked God the frustration is “being expressed within a democratic way through a ballot,” because the angst could have manifested in violence.

Watch Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss Hillary Clinton’s historic win in the video and what needs to happen next in the video clip above.

Watch NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

Subscribe to the “NewsOne Now” Audio Podcast on iTunes.


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Clinton’s Historic Presidential Nomination Examined  was originally published on

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