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Members of the U.S. Senate have proven they’re all talk and no action and failed to pass common sense gun control legislation.

In the wake of the Orlando Massacre, lawmakers in Washington, D.C. expressed outrage over the horrific shooting, a desire to move on gun control legislation, and agreed to a vote in the Senate to pass a bill on the issue.

Soon after, the NRA came out and threatened to make lawmakers pay if they supported any legislation on guns.

On Monday, they had an opportunity to vote on a total of four pieces of legislation that would enact a measure of gun control in the United States. All four bills were rejected. One of the bills would have instituted a waiting period for anyone whose name was found the terror watch list.

After the vote, Sen. Cory Booker talked with NewsOne Now about the Senate’s failure to move on gun legislation and what it would take for change.

Booker said, “The power of the people is greater than the people in power.”

“The handful of Republicans in Congress can’t stand against the rising consciousness of our country that really wants their churches and their mosques and their playgrounds and their schools to be safe,” Booker said.

Roland Martin, host of NewsOne Now said, “These politicians are afraid to lose — lose their seat — they are afraid to fight the NRA.”

Earlier during the segment, Martin highlighted the fact that Republicans have prevented the CDC from conducting any studies on the impact of guns in America.

Though Republicans consistently side with the NRA, Dr. Wilmer Leon said, “Democrats are also at fault here, because they have not consistently been championing this issue. They have been afraid for the last few years to pick up this gun control issue because they saw it as a loser.”

Watch Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss the Senate’s failure to pass common sense gun control legislation in the video clip above.

Watch NewsOne Now with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

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Senate Votes Down Four Gun Control Measures In Wake Of Orlando Shooting

Roland Martin, Sen. Cory Booker, & NewsOne Now Sound Off On Senate Gun Control Fail  was originally published on

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