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Rep. John Lewis and House Democrats promised to continue their protests when Congress reconvenes on July 5th.

But if Democrats decide to conduct another sit-in, House Speaker Paul Ryan may not handle it the same way he did last week.

During a recent interview, Ryan revealed Republicans will not tolerate another sit-in. The Republican Speaker of the House declined to give specific details as to how he intends to stop Democrats from staging another sit-in to protest gun control laws, but it appears he’s serious.

On Thursday’s edition of NewsOne Now, Roland Martin and his panel of guests discussed the gun legislation stand-off between Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and what we should expect when they return from recess.

Martin believes Congressman John Lewis and Democrats should “come right back and smack him (Speaker Paul Ryan) up-side his head and launch another sit-in.”

The NewsOne Now host found it peculiar that Republicans are pushing back against Democrats who are “exercising the First Amendment to deal with the Second Amendment.”

David Swerdlick, Associate Editor at The Washington Post, said, “Democrats picked their timing well” as it relates to their protests in favor of gun control legislation.

He added, “The polls show people want some kind of common sense gun reform laws.” 

Martin later called Speaker Ryan a “fraud” on the gun control issue and said, “If that bill is actually put on the floor, it passes. There are Republicans who want to vote for it. The problem is he (Speaker Ryan) doesn’t want a vote because there are some Republicans who will not vote for it, and they don’t want to be on the record voting against a bill that will take guns out of the hands of folks on the terror list.”

Martin offered a bit of advice to House Democrats, telling them to conduct a sit-in protest all week and dare Speaker Ryan to “drag you off the floor.”

Watch Roland Martin and the NewsOne Now panel discuss what’s next in the fight for gun control laws in the video clip above.

Watch NewsOne Now with Roland Martin, in its new time slot on TV One.

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House Dems On Gun Control Sit-In: “We Will Continue To Fight”

GOP Won’t Tolerate Another Sit-In  was originally published on

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