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2015 Winter TCA Tour - Day 3

Source: Frederick M. Brown / Getty

Tonight’s episode of Power is even more of a doozy than before, with another soldier heading to the crossroads, but hold that thought, we’ll get there. The episode opens with Tommy informing Ghost that Ruiz hasn’t paid his share of Milan’s cut yet. Milan is ready to lullaby Ruiz, but Ghost got Ruiz’s back, saying that he’s good for it and that he just needs to meet with Milan to hash things out, but this is part of a larger plan on Ghost’s part. Later in the same conversation, Tommy lied to Ghost about where he was with Milan that night, not knowing that Ghost followed him. Tommy also left out the part where Milan said he was one of them now. Neither of them is keeping it 100. Some friends they are!


Greg and another one of his fed cronies stopped by Tommy’s mom’s house asking about the last time she saw him. She mentioned his picking up pizza alibi again, and literally had the receipt. We don’t know how they pulled that one off, but it worked for now.

Speaking of Angela and the feds, her boss informs her that they got a lead that the tip about Lobos might have come from someone else due to a search for Lobos in the prison system initiated around the time they were initially setting up the John Doe trial. That’s being investigate, but it could exonerate them. [Whispers] It was Proctor, Ghost’s lawyer.


Angela and Greg are still using each other. They’re back “kicking it” again and Greg claimed that he believed Ghost’s and Tommy’s alibis so he’s done spying on them.


Milan informed Tommy that Ghost knew he was lying about his whereabouts because Ghost was following him. Milan also told Tommy that the only way he can remain his apprentice is by severing ties with Ghost. Otherwise, if Ghost continues line-stepping then Tommy is dead. Tommy confronted Ghost about following him the other night and told him to get in line or it’s his life. Ghost claimed he’ll leave it alone and shifted the convo to other business. Ghost told Tommy to set up a meeting between Milan and Ruiz to discuss Ruiz’s options for getting that payment together. Tommy set the meeting up, but this is obviously a trick up Ghost’s sleeve. Remember, Ghost teamed up with Ruiz to drop dime on Milan. Greg gave Ruiz a high tech recorder that resembled a coat button, and also tried to press him to get something on Ghost but Ruiz isn’t giving Ghost up. Either way, you get the feeling that this might not end well anyway.


We know that Dre has been spilling the beans on Ghost to Kanan. Kanan said he’s not messing with Ghost until Milan is out of the picture. When that happens, then he’ll swoop down to collect his debt and exact his revenge (Translation: Even Kanan is shook when it comes to Milan). Tariq has also still been hanging with “Slim” aka Kanan (and even stole some Jordans after “Slim” juiced him up), even though Dre told him not to. Basically, Dre is stuck, and wants out of the web he’s in with Kanan, so he asked Tommy if he could be down with he and Ghost (even though it might still be another ploy), but Tommy shut him down too.

It’s worth noting that Tasha hasn’t been able to reach Keisha. We still don’t know what happened to her, but this is a wait and see situation. In other Tasha news, she and James had a moment where they got soft and pink, which led to steamy I miss you sex. That’s when James told her about his plan to take down Milan and she got shook (because if you recall, Milan told her that if Ghost gets out of line he’d kill her and the kids). After telling Ghost to leave, Tasha called Tommy to try to talk some sense into Ghost. Tommy said he’ll handle it, but little does Tasha know, Tommy ain’t loyal either, which brings us to Ruiz’s meeting with Milan. That went went well enough for Ruiz to get out alive. Tommy gave Ruiz a ride home, but pretended that his car broke down, which was the perfect setup to get both men out of the car. Tommy then stabbed Ruiz to death. Ruiz told Tommy he would regret that move and Tommy said, “It ain’t me doing this to you, it’s Ghost.” And then Dre came to help Tommy dispose of the body, but Ghost isn’t supposed to know about Dre’s involvement in this.


Remember, Ruiz had on a recorder. Greg is probably about to be on that arse, even more than before.


Tommy later on confronted Ghost about his plan with Ruiz and reminded Ghost that if he keeps this behavior up then Milan will kill him. Ghost, always the rational one of the two, reminded Tommy that Milan is the type to kill both of them on a whim no matter what. Ghost told Tommy that he’s gonna keep trying to bring Milan down unless Tommy kills him. Ghost implored Tommy to help him bring Milan down. Tommy seemed to agree, but that’s hard to believe. The truth is, he doesn’t see how bringing down Milan adds any value to his life because he’s not trying to go straight like Ghost. He’s about that drug dealing life.


At the end of the episode, Tommy told Milan that they need to kill Ghost. Hopefully Tommy is just playing Milan, but with the way things have been going thus far, that’s questionable.


‘Power’ Recap: Tariq Is A Pawn In Kanan’s Revenge Plot Against Ghost

‘Power’ Recap: Milan And The Feds Got Ghost Looking Like That Blurry Mr. Krabs Meme

‘Power’ Recap: Tommy And Milan Are Prepared To Take Action Against Ghost’s Line-Stepping  was originally published on

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