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Trey Songz has been pretty outspoken recently regarding police brutality and the state of America.

On Tuesday, the singer posted a photo with director Nate Parker and explained his feelings about the country, the flag, and Parker’s upcoming film, The Birth of A Nation. He also congratulated his Virginia-born brother and discussed how many tried to “slight” him, referring to discussions that came out of his involvement in a 1999 rape case.

Trey wrote, I’m very proud to be American, while there are many things wrong with my country that shame myself and my people as well as many minorities, I love my country! Our history as black people has tried to be erased by those who thought of us as less than human, @origi_nate has brought an American story to life that I am very proud of. Congratulations brother, they tried to slight you in so many ways and you rose above. So many films and only now do they bring up your ACQUITTAL!!! Shine in Gods light.”

One follower attacked Trigga’s post, saying that he was “dense” for downplaying Parker’s acquittal.

But Trey clapped back, asking why the rape story surfaced right before the film’s release, writing, “Why now? I’ll tell you, to derail you from the issue at hand.”

The Birth of a Nation chronicles the slave uprising led by Nat Turner and will be released on October 7th. Another celeb who thinks Parker’s rape acquittal shouldn’t overshadow the film’s release? Jesse Williams. Read his thoughts here.

PHOTO CREDIT: Instagram, Getty

Trey Songz Defends Nate Parker & His Film ‘The Birth Of A Nation’  was originally published on

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