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As the world continues to accept the realization that Donald Trump is the president-elect, the backlash of his win grows with each passing day. From nationwide protests and social media uproar to criticism from news outlets, Americans are letting their voices be heard regarding Trump’s victory.

And now, in a recent statement, the Milwaukee Bucks, Memphis Grizzlies and Dallas Mavericks said that they will no longer stay at any Donald Trump-branded hotels this season. This bold move is likely to garner both criticism and support from Trump supporters and detractors. ESPN has the details regarding the teams’ decision, as well as the status of other NBA teams plans.


At least three NBA teams have stopped staying at Donald Trump-branded hotels this season in part to avoid any implied association with the new president-elect, according to league sources. Sources told that the Milwaukee Bucks, Memphis Grizzlies and Dallas Mavericks have moved away from Trump hotels in New York City and Chicago, which bear Donald Trump’s name through a licensing agreement. [In addition] another Eastern Conference team contracted to stay at the Trump SoHo in New York this season has likewise already decided to switch to a different property in Manhattan when its current contract expires at season’s end and that the Trump association is among the factors for the switch. Seven other teams told on Tuesday that they are still currently scheduled to stay at Trump-branded properties this season.

The Bucks stayed at the Trump International Tower and Hotel in Chicago on a preseason trip to play the Bulls in early October, but met with complications when they tried to make an 11th-hour cancellation. Milwaukee, sources say, has already made other arrangements for its regular-season road games against the Bulls.

The Grizzlies and Mavericks, have stayed at the Trump SoHo in the past but opted during the offseason to book new New York hotels for this season. Mavs owner Mark Cuban, speaking Wednesday, told the Associated Press that the decision was “made months ago. Not recently.” Grizzlies coach David Fizdale, speaking after the team’s shootaround Wednesday in Los Angeles, insisted that where Memphis stays or doesn’t stay is not politically motivated. “No truth to that,” Fizdale told the Memphis Commercial Appeal on Wednesday. “Our decisions as to what hotels we stay in ‎are made long before any of this election stuff took place. It’s no story‎.”

The report also states that some NBA coaches and their players have felt uneasy since the election. Detroit Pistons head coach Stan Van Gundy voiced his displeasure with Trump, saying “[he is] openly and brazenly racist and misogynistic and ethnocentric.”


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Three NBA Teams Announce They Will No Longer Stay At Trump Hotels  was originally published on

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