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Jasmine Guy In Studio Guest

Source: StarterCAM /


THURSDAY, November 17, 2016

Jasmine Guy Promotes the ACRB “Nobody Needs to Know” Campaign

Multi-talented entertainer and Atlanta native Jasmine Guy has become the spokesperson for ACRB’s NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW Media Campaign. The purpose of the initiative is to inform citizens that the agency, thanks to an expansion of its ordinance, is now able to investigate anonymous complaints.

Over the years, various segments of the community have refused to come forward out of fear of retaliation or of being publicly exposed. For example, members of the LGBTQ community and the homeless have publicly spoken about incidents where they were publicly assaulted, harassed and humiliated by law enforcement, yet declined to file a formal complaint.

Up until the ordinance was expanded on March 30, 2016, ACRB required a name with detailed information from anyone who filed a complaint against a sworn officer of the Atlanta Police Department or Atlanta Department of Corrections. But now no name is needed thanks to a provision that allows for anonymous complaints.

The script for the TV and radio public service announcements that Ms. Guy reads says: “Used to be easy to tell the good guys from the bad guys. But now, IT’S A DIFFERENT WORLD. So if you ever feel uncertain or intimidated about filing a complaint against an Atlanta police or corrections officer, remember…You now can file anonymous complaints with the Atlanta Citizen Review Board. NOBODY NEEDS TO KNOW. Contact ACRB at 404 865 8622 or go online at”

The TV spot was shot by City of Atlanta TV26.

Ms. Guy’s motivation to become involved in citizen oversight of law enforcement stems from a few negative incidents she experienced with sworn officers of law enforcement. “I’m so honored that the Atlanta Citizen Review Board asked me to make this pitch to people because, first of all, it’s very scary to make a complaint against a police officer (or) corrections officer. When I was very young, I had a few incidents. I didn’t tell my parents. And I’ve had a few incidents as an adult. And I think that it’s important that we not only tell women, but that our citizens know that if something’s going wrong, we have a place that is safe to make a complaint,” said Ms. Guy.

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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