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More than 40 Democrats in the House of Representatives announced plans to boycott President-elect Donald Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration, the Huffington Post reports.

California Rep. Barbara Lee tweeted that she will be “organizing” on that day instead of celebrating the official start of Trump’s presidency.

In a Jan. 12 statement, Lee pointed to a laundry list of Trump offenses during his “divisive and prejudice” campaign:

“He called women ‘pigs,’ stoked Islamophobia and attacked a Gold Star family. He mocked a disabled reporter and appealed to people’s worst instincts. I cannot in good conscience attend an inauguration that would celebrate this divisive approach to governance.”

Some Democrats also cited Trump’s Twitter attack of civil rights icon Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) as their reason for boycotting the inauguration.

Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-N.Y.), for one, announced Saturday on Twitter that she would not attend the event. Citing Trump’s Twitter comments about Lewis, she said, “When you insult John Lewis, you insult America.”

Trump disparaged Lewis as “All talk, talk talk – no action or results,” and claimed falsely that Lewis’ Georgia district is overrun with crime and economic distress. That came in response to Lewis saying on Friday that he does not view Trump as a legitimate president.”

Several other Democrats, including Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), also came to Lewis’ defense:

SOURCE: Huffington Post


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House Democrats Boycotting Trump’s Inauguration  was originally published on

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