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Here we are, the day has come. While watching the First Black Family leave the White House is the last thing we want to do, their time has dwindled down, cementing the end to eight years well served.

We can be comforted in two ways; their lives as civilians will play out just blocks away from the White House and we look forward to their frankness on subjects like race, criminal justice and advances for the lives of Black people.

Instead of watching the orange one lift his hand to pledge allegiance to the presidency, here are 5 things Black people can do to make January 20th a little less painful.

1. Avoid the news

Yes, you read that correctly. Take a day off and watch your favorite Black movie – whether it be a romance, comedy or a documentary. The Wiz anyone?

The Wiz Cast

Source: (Photo by Michael Ochs Archive/Getty Images) / Getty

2. Wear black and formulate a plan of action

Get involved in your local government. Sign a petition, start or join a protest. Make your voice heard. There are many who feel discouraged and invisible and even more of us feel unsafe. But doing one thing in the form of resistance is essential to getting through the unforeseen charters we are about to embark upon.

3. Hold a repast to honor the death of the Obama administration

Remember, his aides and cabinet members are also finished and will be replaced by the Trump administration.

4.  After letting it all sink in, take a drink, or several

*DISCLAIMER – (Only partake in this step if you are 21 and over!)

G7 Summit in Germany

Source: Anadolu Agency / Getty

5. Keep refreshing Buzzfeed’s countdown clock to election 2020

One day soon, it will click down to 0 days, 0 minutes and 0 hours.


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5 Things Black People Can Do On Trump Inauguration Day  was originally published on

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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