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O.J. Simpson May Be Released Sooner Than We Thought

OJ Simpson Criminal Trial - Simpson Tries on Blood Stained Gloves - June 15, 1995

Source: Lee Celano / Getty

Football icon O.J. Simpson may be getting out prison earlier than we may have thought. He is up for parole later this year.

Since 2008, Orenthal James “O.J.” Simpson, 70, has been in a Nevada prison after he was convicted on several Las Vegas hotel room. As Sports Illustrated pointed out, Simpson could be granted an early release based on a 11 point system Nevada uses to assess risk. Apparently, Simpson scores well because of his age, his violence-free existence in prison and lack of gang affiliation on the inside.

After a few failed appeals attempts, it’s believed that he will face the parole board earlier this summer. Currently, Simpson has served only eight of the 33 years he was sentenced with on 12 charges including conspiracy, burglary, robbery, kidnapping and assault with a deadly weapon.

Nicknamed “Juice,” Simpson first fell from public grace in 1995 with the infamous murder of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, which he was charged and found not guilty of in a Los Angeles court.

Law and Order: Indiana Teen Charged For Allegedly Murdering Her Own Mother 

An Indiana teen who had an Amber Alert out on her, has been arrested and charged with the first-degree murder of her own other.

According to Fox 32 News, last week, authorities found the body of 34-year-old Jaimie Garnett in her Gary apartment around 2am. Her 15-year-old daughter Chastinea Reeves ran to a relative’s house with her 4-year-old sister yelling that something terrible had happened to Garnett. When the relative went to call the police, Reeves disappeared and the authorities, believing she was kidnapped, issued an Amber Alert.

Reeves was found the next day and later arrested for her alleged role in Garnett’s death—news that has shocked her neighbors.

“Wow — how do you kill your mother?” Jay Lew told CBS. “I remember (Garnett) taking her children to school in the mornings and coming home from work, just being with children.”

The details behind the murder are not known because Reeves is currently being charged as a juvenile and those types of cases are kept secret from the public, but we do know that the Lake County coroner ruled Garnett’s death a homicide based on her stab wounds, says the Times of Northwest Indiana.

In addition, Lake County prosecutor said that on April 15 in juvenile court, he will ask the judge to allow them to try her as an adult.

White British Writer Slams “Moonlight,” Calls It Irrelevant. Twitter Eviscerates Her 

'Moonlight' - Official Competition - 60th BFI London Film Festival

Source: Jeff Spicer / Getty

Due to narcissism and white privilege, it must be incredibly difficult for some film critics to review films that are not directly about them or their own experiences. Case in point, when writer Camilla Long of the UK newspaper The Times, recently weighed in on the amazing and beautiful award-winning film Moonlight.

In a tone-deaf review, she said the 8-time Oscar nominated film lacked a plot and she alluded that it wasn’t relevant because it was too Black and too gay for its audience:

“The received wisdom on Moonlight, a film about gay love in the black ghetto, is that it is “necessary” and “important”. It is an “urgent” and “relevant” examination of forbidden attraction in a world, “the streets”, that is largely hostile to gay men.

Only, relevant to whom? Certainly not the audience. Most will be straight, white, middle class. Nor is it particularly “urgent”: the story has been told countless times, against countless backdrops.”

Girl what? First, please stop acting as if Black people are not smart enough to appreciate this beautiful film. This movie is for us and about us. Second, since this has been done to death, please name one other film that addresses the plight of young gay Black men in the inner city?

We’ll wait.

Sadly, her ill-advised commentary only gets worse:

I don’t know if the director, Barry Jenkins meant to present such an awful, one-note picture of the African-American community’s attitude to gay sex, but if there is one message here, it is that growing up “soft” means you will be beaten up and rejected and desperately alone forever. homosexuality, it foghorns, is the worst thing that can befall any teenage boy from the ghetto.”

Thankfully, Twitter got Ms. Long all the way together, leaving her mentions in utter shambles:

Hopefully, Long will think twice the next time she decides to talk sideways about the #BlackBrilliance that is Moonlight.

Evening Minute: O.J. Simpson May Be Released Sooner Than We Thought  was originally published on

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