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President Donald Trump believes that former President Barack Obama is pulling the strings behind the political scene, Fox News reports.

In an interview on “Fox & Friends,” Trump said his predecessor is behind the organized protests, angry crowds at GOP town hall meetings and leaks that continue to plague his presidency.

“I think that President Obama’s behind it because his people are certainly behind it,” Trump stated. “And some of the leaks possibly come from that group, you know, some of the leaks – which are very serious leaks, because they’re very bad in terms of national security.”


Trump added: “But I also understand that’s politics. And in terms of him being behind things, that’s politics. And it will probably continue.”

While Trump casts the leaks in terms of national security, others note they also attack his ego.

From the Washington Post:

“Time and again, the image of Trump pushed by his ‘aides’ is one of a clueless child — someone who acts on impulse, disregarding the better advice of people who know better. We know he needs to be managed or else he will say and do stupid things, the message seems to be.”

The administration is trying to plug the leaks. CNN reported that the president approved his press secretary Sean Spicer’s search of his staff’s cell phones for evidence of them talking or texting information to the media.

SOURCE: Fox News, Washington Post, CNN


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