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Source: mattjeacock / Getty


Woman putting gas in the tank of her car, extreme close-up

Source: Medioimages/Photodisc / Getty

Beware of gas station robbery tactics

Police say criminals have a new trick at area gas stations.  They use a decoy to detract the victim to lure the driver away from their vehicle.  In less than 3 seconds criminals are able to steal any material possessions. i.e. (cell phone, purse, wallet, vehicle)



Students using digital tablets with headphones in classroom

Source: Ariel Skelley / Getty

The governors new proposal to control failing schools

The governors new proposal for the state to have more control over failing schools is making it’s way through the legislature, it passed the House this weekend and is now on to the Senate.  If lawmakers pass this new bill it will be law since voters will not get a chance to vote on this plan.

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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