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The Be Beautiful Expo was held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and brought together a collective of more than ten thousand people for a fun day of music, shopping, motivation and networking. This was the 3rd Annual Radio One Philadelphia event that is an interactive and family focused.

One of the panels was entitled, ‘High Heels In High Places,‘ focused on how to create, manage, and advice for having a fulfilling career. The panel was moderated by Johnnie Walker, the CEO and Founder of the National Association of Black Female Executives as well as the creator of Women Who Jam! an all-female artistic movement.

The panel consisted of a group of phenomenal women, including actress, producer and entrepreneur, Vivica Fox, Philidelphia City Councilwoman Blondell Reynolds Brown, CEO of Sisterpreneur, body language expert, Linda Clemons, PR expert, Syreta Oglesby, and Felecia Harris, Chair of the Philadelphia Commission on Women and the 3rd VP of Philadelphia NAACP.

Though we are strong, Black women, we are human and at times, and may have allowed our light to dim and experience difficulty channeling into our ‘Black girl magic,‘ (or maybe haven’t even found it yet) that everyone is always discussing. Here’s how you can get it back or find it in the first place :

Say no.

“It’s okay to learn to say, ‘no.’ People will take and take and take from you until they wear you down and YOU have nothing left.” – Vivica Fox

It’s important to learn how to say no, because you cannot say ‘yes,’ to everything. Saying yes to everything will undoubtedly deplete you of your magic.

Who is in your crew?

Syreta demands that we watch the company we keep. She explained, “You have to look who is around you. You have to surround yourself with people who uplift you. Stay focused on what you and your girls are doing and not everyone else, and you will be able to tap into your Black girl magic.

It’s also not just about who is in your crew, also pay attention to how they are treating you. Vivica recalls, “I’ve learned to have people in my life that love me for me. People that don’t beat me up. That’s in my friendship, my relationships and even my family.” Syreta reiterates, “Protect your energy and space.” True.

Give back. 

In our quest to be great, don’t forget to uplift those around you. Having the heart of a servant will take you farther than you may know. Philadelphia Council Woman Bondel Reynolds Brown is in her 5th term and explained to the audience, “Doors knock when you are a great volunteer. Because of my dependability, doors have opened for me.” Beauties, opening doors for others can potentially open doors for yourself and even if they do not, you’ve still helped to uplift another Black woman. Felecia commanded the crowd, “Stop thinking of yourself for just a moment and volunteer. God blesses those who bless others.” Amen.

You are you….and you are perfect as is.

Vivica explained that while she has accomplished many things in life, she was initially always so critical. “I would look at my performances and focus on what I did wrong instead of what I did right.” Beauties, it’s okay to give yourself constructive criticism, but there is a fine line between that and beating yourself up. Vivica explained to the crowd that finding or reclaining your Black girl magic, for her, was, “Learning to completely love myself in the skin I’m in. Accepting me for me.” Be the best you that you can be beauties, no comparing yourself to others (yes, I know, it can be hard).

Speak LIFE into your life. 

Words matter. Words are important. Treat yourself how you would want other people to treat you. Blondel reminds us, “‘I am’ is powerful. It activates biblically.” Start speaking into existence the things that you want for your life. Do this daily.

Beauties, do you have additional advice for women that are interested in finding their Black girl magic or are you a woman who might have lost yours and recently reclaimed it? Tell us in the comment section!


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Vivica Fox & Other High Powered Women Teach Us How To Find Your Black Girl Magic  was originally published on

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