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ABC's 'Scandal' - Season Five

Source: Bob D’Amico / Getty

Tonight’s episode of Scandal opens with Fitz explaining to Olivia that the plan is to exonerate Cyrus and give him White House since he did win on Frankie Vargas’ ticket, and they have to figure out how to take down these agents.

Mellie is pissed that Olivia wants to do this, but Olivia convinces her to do the right thing and to wait until it’s truly her turn to win the right way. Mellie gives in and later on, Rosen, who now knows that he has been sleeping with the enemy, makes the announcement that Cyrus is innocent and will become the next president of the United States. Olivia is just as devastated as Mellie, but she’s not trying to go down the Defiance path again.


But Liz North isn’t having it. Y’all know she wants the White House even more than Olivia or Mellie, so she talks Mellie back into the game and urges her not to back down. Mellie’s solution is that instead of conceding, which was her original plan, they should let the Electoral College choose. It’s obvious that the Electors will be tainted by the fact that Cyrus was accused of killing Frankie Vargas in the first place, so this could be an easy win for Mellie.

Olivia, understanding the situation, decides to take Cyrus, the most hated man in American, on as a client, but Cyrus shuts Olivia down because remember, she wanted Mellie to win so bad at one point that she was willing to let him rot in jail and didn’t even want to speak to him. When Olivia shows up at his place to try to get him out of his funk and ready for victory laps, he slams the door right in her face.


Then Papa Pope pops up. He’s scared, so you know this is bad. Basically, he wants Olivia to stop what she’s doing because the agents will kill her if Cyrus becomes president. However, Olivia is a Pope and you know how Pope’s are when they’re on a mission.

Later on, Fitz takes his turn trying to get Cyrus mentally back in the game, even though he really needs therapy and a long vacation, and actually convinces him to step up. Cyrus delivers a moving speech about how he will strive to honor Frankie’s legacy if chosen to become president.


We then find out that Liz is working with the agents to get Mellie elected. She’s trying to be Chief of Staff by any means necessary. The agents, plus Liz, call Mellie into a meeting and tell her that they “persuaded” the electors to vote in her favor.


Mellie turns them down because she’s smart enough to know that they’ll control her once she’s in the White House. Liz tries to convince Mellie to go along with them and in mid-sentence, the female agents beats Liz to death with a golf club, and they threaten to Kill Mellie’s kids if she doesn’t comply and if she snitches to Fitz. Oh and, the female agent is Chief of Staff now. Just like that, the agents leave Mellie alone, shaken, scared, and covered in Liz’s blood. Olivia walks in on her and Mellie gives her the scoop right before Olivia leaves VP Jake behind to protect and serve. Little does Liv know, the agents have created a paper trail in her name so it looks like she paid for Frankie Vargas’ assassination, and Angela, the Director of the CIA, also known as Fitz’ new boo thang, is on to it and wants to arrest her.


Fitz tells her that this is not a path she wants to go down and tries shut her down without telling her what’s really going on, but she’s the Director of the CIA, honey! You know she’s about that do her job as fiercely as she possibly can.

Fitz warns Olivia what’s up and Olivia wants to let it happen. She’s willing to go down so that Cyrus can win and hopefully end this, but Fitz won’t let her do that, especially since Rowan is the real shooter. This is when he reveals that he doesn’t want to lose her. This is also the moment where Captain Obvious slips us the proverbial memo that Olivia and Fitz are still in love with each other.


Later on, Fitz shuts Angela down as promised. Not only did he get her off the case, he also got her transferred to an office in another state. Angela is pissed, but Fitz informs her that there’s already a suspect in custody.

You guessed it, it’s Rowan.

Mellie gets elected president because the members of the Electoral College are terrified. Cyrus is devastated, but we don’t need another death right now so it’s best for him to just eat this loss.

Olivia confronts Fitz, pissed about Rowan’s arrest, but it turns out that Rowan is actually in Fitz’s custody so they can work on taking the “Trojan Horse” down. Olivia is so relieved that she allows Fitz to move in for a kiss, and just like that, Olitz is back on again.

You know it’s never good when they get together, smh.


‘Scandal’ Recap: Olivia Gets A Taste Of Life As Fitz’s Wife

‘Scandal’ Recap: Abby Learns That She’s Not The Realest Bish In The Room

‘Scandal’ Recap: Olivia Tries To Take The L For Cyrus  was originally published on

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