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Constituents have roughed up Republicans, and even some Democrats, at recent town hall meetings. But that’s not the case for California’s freshman senator.

The Sacramento Bee reports that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) received lots of cheers Friday at her first town hall meeting. Harris’ constituents are pleased with her tough stance against the Trump administration and with her voting record.

A mostly progressive crowd of about 800 people gathered at Holman United Methodist Church in Los Angeles to hear their senator’s report on Washington and to ask her questions.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) Holds Town Hall Meeting In Los Angeles

Source: David McNew / Getty

Harris, who’s getting a lot of buzz as a potential 2020 presidential candidate, vowed to oppose President Donald Trump’s budget agenda if it includes public spending for a wall along the Mexican border. She also promised to fight the president’s anti-immigration policies.

“We are not going to buy into this administration’s fear mongering and vilifying whole communities of people,” Harris told the crowd. “I’ve personally prosecuted everything from low level offenses to homicides. I know what a crime looks like and an undocumented immigrant is not a criminal.”

Harris warned her constituents that Trump’s Justice Department plans to revitalize the war on drugs, which ravished communities of color through mass incarcerations.

“We need to watch this [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions, who is talking about resuscitating all this. We have come too far to go back, to go backward on fundamental criminal justice issues, like whether or not this is a public health matter or a criminal justice matter,” she stated.

Indivisible, the liberal group organized nationally to resist Trump’s agenda, has criticized some Democrats at town halls for being too passive. But Indivisible gives Harris high marks.

Stephen Carcieri of Indivisible Los Angeles told The Bee that he likes Harris: “She’s been pretty good on the votes.”

“Progressives have no objection at all to what she’s doing,” added Barry Rosenbaum of Santa Monica.

SOURCE:  Sacramento Bee


In Your Face! Republicans Face Angry Constituents At Town Hall Meetings

Divided Republicans With Failed Agenda Miss Obama

Kamala Harris Gets Big Thumbs-Up At First Town Hall Meeting  was originally published on

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