Majic ATL Featured Video
Life In Khazir Refugee Camp

Source: Carl Court / Getty

From: LittleThings

Roger Lopez, a Texas native, used to spend his days roaming the streets trying to figure out where he would sleep that night. He was like many other homeless people in America, just trying to survive the night in hopes to one day create a better life for himself.

One day, Roger had enough of living on the streets and decided to change his life. With help from his friends and family, the man who loved making people look good enrolled in barber school and 14 months later he was a Texas State Licensed Barber.

With his new found occupation, Roger wanted to inspire others who were lost in life and looking for a change. The barber headed to Austin, TX, where many homeless people attend a weekly church service and set up his barber chair to give free hair cuts to the homeless in the area.

When asked why he was doing this, the humble barber said, “I do it so you or the next person can benefit. Maybe if you’re looking for a job you just need a little haircut, a little boost, something to get you going.”

Roger says he will continue to cut for the homeless in hopes to just make the world a little better.

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“I do it so you or the next person can benefit. Maybe if you’re looking for a job you just need a little haircut, a little boost, something to get you going.”

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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