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Sugar being poured into tea cup, close-up

Source: Diamond Sky Images / Getty

Sugar addiction can surely stand in the way between you and your weight loss goals. If you find yourself always reaching for something sweet and want to get over your addiction, check out these helpful tips:

1) Remove all sugar and processed foods from your house. You know the old saying: outta sight, outta mind. If those sugary treats are not within reach, you will have not choice but NOT to eat them.

2) Carry healthy snacks with you wherever you go. Sometimes eating too much sugar is simply a matter of lack of planning. When you have a healthy go-to snack, you’ll be less likely to grab a sugary treat that isn’t good for you.

3) Drink more water. Dehydration can amplify your sugar cravings, it can also slow your metabolism and cause your body to store more fat. Whenever you feel a sugar craving coming on, fill your glass with water and sip away.

Reach more tips on overcoming sugar cravings HERE.