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Federal jury approves first charges in Russia investigation

Donald Trump Speaks With Russian Leader Vladimir Putin From The White House

Source: Drew Angerer / Getty

Later today investigators looking into Russia’s interference with the Presidential election are expected to announce at least one indictment.  President Donald Trump has denied any collusion with Russia and calls this investigation a “witch hunt”




2-year-old denied kidney transplant rushed to emergency room

A student and staff watch over a donor d


A.J. Burgess, the two-year-old born without any kidneys continues to fight for his life as his family and community fights for the surgery to get A.J. the kid he needs.  A.J.’s father Anthony Dickerson wants to donate a kidney but Emory’s Transplant Center has delayed it until after January for the child’s father to provide evidence of compliance with his parole officer.  Supporters say it’s not right to deny the child of a kidney because of his father criminal record and they rallied the other day.  Congressman Hank Johnson is pushing for the surgery,” It is inhumane to deprive him of the perfect match that would keep him alive.”

The family’s attorney, Mawuli Davis, released a statement Sunday morning:

“The family is asking for people of all faith traditions to be in prayer today for Baby AJ.  His spirit is strong but his body is weakening.”








Houston Texans kneel during anthem in protest of Bob McNair comment

Houston Texans v New England Patriots

Source: Billie Weiss / Getty

NFL Houston Texans owner Bob McNair is getting lots of heat for telling other owners that they can’t have inmates running the prison at a recent owners meeting.  The NAACP and Texas Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee spoke out.

The example of inmate running the prison, it brings to mind the stereotype of African American men in incarceration their act of taking a knee is simply their right to protest and petition their government“-Sheila Jackson Lee

To protest McNair comment just about all of the NFL Houston Texans took a knee this past weekend.



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