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Welcome to this week’s “Diaries of a Skinny Fat Girl.” Each week HelloBeautiful will go underneath the skinny jeans and loose fitting shirts of our readers to uncover their battles of the bulge. This week we’re hearing from “The Business Analyst who’s in a fight with the Food Devil.”

Weekly Goals: Workout 3-4 times per week, eat healthy, and try to lose 2-3 lbs per week

Day 1:

6:00 am: Fell asleep at my girl’s house that lives 20 minutes away (with no traffic). Goal is to get to work early because I have to leave work early today for training in the city (I work in northern New Jersey).

7:30 am: Major accident on the bridge. No time for breakfast. All I have time to do is shower, change and get back into traffic to drive to work.

8:30 am: I’m supposed to be at work by 8:30 am. Stop at my favorite national coffee chain to buy tea and a protein plate.

1:00 pm: On my way into the city for training. Fortunately I have an apple at my desk that I can take with me and eat while driving.

2:30 pm: I’m half-hour early for training so I stop for a salad. I try to eat something small and healthy, as I’m meeting one of my best girlies for dinner.

7:00 pm: Walking out of my girlie’s office and on our way to dinner. Our initial plans were to have hot chocolate and yummy holiday goodies but unfortunately (and fortunately for my diet) the restaurant had a 45 -minute wait and was packed with tourists (no bueno). We decide on a place down the street to have our festive holiday meal.

8:00 pm: I was trying to not eat carbs but what the heck…ate like a bird all day. I ordered a chicken club with sweet potato fries. Tried to be somewhat good and eat half!

8:45 pm: On my way downtown to meet another one of my girlies. Decide on a sports bar as our meeting place to watch Monday Night football. As I’m walking from the train, I see one of my favorite mini-cupcake spots. I buy a box to share with the rest of the crew.

9:30 pm: I order a beer and I don’t feel bad because its one of my favs. I’m then bullied to take a monster shot of tequila and thus my diet is killed for the day.

Day 2:

6:30 am: Wake up early enough to pack snacks and eat a bowl of cereal before heading off to work.

10:00 am: Mid-morning snack-time! Organic smoothie filled with fruit and vitamins. So far, so good.

12:30 pm: Work is madness and I remember I have a lean cuisine in the work freezer. Doesn’t taste as good as expected, so I only eat half.

3:00 pm: I’m starving since I only ate half my lunch, so I eat the whole-wheat crackers that I brought as a snack.

6:00 pm: It is ridiculously cold outside AND inside (the heat in my office is broken) so I stop at my local Italian restaurant for soup. All is well in the world.

8:30 pm: I’m known on occasion to go to bed ridiculously early. Today is just one of those days. Buenas Noches!

Day 3:

5:45 am: I wake up to the sounds of my Lady Gaga ringtone. Time to pull my 20+10 butt out of bed and workout. I wait 2-3 days after getting my hair done to start my workouts. Vain…I know.

8:00 am: I tend to start doing things around the house in the morning and lose track of time. Today is one of those days because I start doing laundry (SMH at myself). Rush out of the house and don’t have time to grab breakfast or lunch.

8:30 am: Yes I am late again. Stop at my favorite national coffee chain for tea. Don’t have much of an appetite this morning!

2:30 pm: The day has flown by and I run to the local deli for a plain bagel.

6:30 pm: I completely lost track of time at work and call for take-out (soup again) at my favorite local Italian spot.

Day 4:

5:45 am: Day 2 of my weekly workouts. I live in a condo building and the gym doesn’t provide classes, so I’m a huge fan of Exercise on Demand! She doesn’t know it, but Jillian Michaels is one of my bff’s.

8:15 am: Stop at my favorite national coffee chain for a hot tea (don’t have much of an appetite this morning)

1:00 pm: Off to buy my homegirl cupcakes for her birthday. I buy two boxes of mini cupcakes and three cupcakes for my girlie, cousin and I. Surprisingly I don’t eat mine on the spot and take a sample of banana pudding instead (I’m a sucker for sweets!)

1:45 pm: Stop at the deli around the corner of my job for a bagel (stomach isn’t doing well today, hoping this will do the trick!)

6:30 pm: Meet my cousin at my building. While she’s changing out of her interview suit, we’re snacking on pretzels.

9:30 pm: On our way to the birthday festivities. My cousin and my girlie eat their cupcakes, I give mine to my girlie’s cousin…my stomach is mad at me and didn’t want it to go to waste!

11:45 pm: The three of us are starving. My girl suggests pizza. I do the sign of the cross and hope that my cousin, Earl doesn’t stop by for a visit.

Day 5:

8:30 am: Working from home today due to a doctor’s appointment in the city. Eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast

10:30 am: I schlep into the city via bus and train. Since I missed my workout this morning, I’m trying to get as much walking in as possible. Stop at my favorite national coffee chain for a hot tea.

3:00 pm: Back home and off to meet my favorite male for lunch. End up eating pasta e fagoli soup and two slices of my thin crust pizza (as I watch him eat clams and pasta in envy).

6:30 pm: I’m supposed to on the road headed to see my parents. I’m too sleepy to drive the 4 hours. Decide to eat the rest of the pizza and take a nap.

9:00 pm: Wake up from my nap craving something sweet. I raid my fridge and decide on a cup of eggnog. Back to sleep I go for my 5 am wake-up.

Day 6:

4:00 am: I naturally wake up at this God-forsaken hours. As I read twitter and see people just going to sleep, my crazy self is waking up!

9:30 am: On the road headed to see my parents and I stop at my second favorite national coffee chain. I buy a bagel twist and a skim mocha latte.

1:30 pm: I’ve arrived a few hours prior to my parent’s house and I’m sent to buy Chick-Fi-La for my mother. I’m so temped to buy a milkshake, but instead I order her meal and had back to the camp. Success!

2:30 pm: Lunch with my dad at my favorite hometown brunch spot. I order a grilled cheese sandwich on whole wheat and chicken noodle soup.

4:00 pm: Visiting my best friend and her Persian rug store. Dying of thirst, so I go to the restaurant/deli next door and buy myself an iced tea and her a diet coke.

7:00 pm: Off to dinner with the parents. They have yet to arrive, so I sit at the bar and drink a glass of red wine while I’m waiting. I order soup and salad as my dinner. Considering I’m in my hometown, proud that I haven’t gone nuts on all my fav foods that I normally don’t have access to.

Day 7:

9:30 am: Stop for a ham, egg and cheese sandwich and hash browns on my way back north.

5:00 pm: Order soup once again from my local Italian spot (can you tell I have an addiction to soup in the winter?)

Totals: I only worked out twice this week, but in my head I secretly did three since I got an hour in of walking on Day 5. Lost 2 pounds (woohoo). My eating habits this week weren’t up to par, must work on adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. Will consciously work on this going forward. On to the next…

Majic 107.5 / 97.5 Atlanta

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