Election 2012


Since the shocking win over Hillary Clinton on November 8th, many question what will happen now that Donald Trump will be our President? Sign Up For Our Newsletter! With the talks of this “big beautiful wall” he has mentioned, will he begin mass deportations of immigrants and repeal Obamacare? We revisited Donald Trump’s 100 day action […]

Election 2012

According to an insider, Donald Trump‘s (pictured far left) three children, Eric (pictured left), Donald Jr. (pictured far right), and Ivanka (pictured middle), had a…

Election 2012

Comedian Katt Williams is being sued for ‘non-performance’ after he cut short an Oakland concert before going on an extended rant that began with a…

Election 2012

If you’ve been more than annoyed with conservatives crying over their loss to President Barack Obama, you are not alone. Apparently, some conservatives are fed…

Election 2012

Bill O’Reilly (pictured) hasn’t handled the results of this year’s presidential election well. If you tuned in to FOX News’s unintentional comedic coverage that night,…

Election 2012

Ebony Grimsley is our newest Guest Blogger. The Tampa, FL., native breaks down the scandal associated with Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter. If you wnt…

Election 2012

Even though Barack Obama decisively won re-election last week, there have been a few, let’s just say, “disgruntled” voters that have done some pretty outlandish…

Election 2012

There were many who were surprised by the 2012 Presidential election.  In simple terms, they didn’t expect us to show up, but we did, and…

Election 2012

This election, the issue of voter disenfranchisement was front and center in several key states across the country. One of the most-controversial moves in the…

Election 2012

Stunned by the trouncing of Mitt Romney in last week’s election by President Barack Obama, Republicans and other right-leaning groups are scrambling for ways to…

Election 2012

In ex-GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan‘s first interview since losing to President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, Ryan made some dubious claims…

Election 2012

It appears that all of Donald Trump‘s antics — as well as his neverending racist obsession with President Barack Obama — haven’t gone unnoticed. In…