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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

Why did a man in .. Florida… Steal his boss’s Jaguar while the boss was on vacation and drive it to buy some crack?  Then the stolen car was stolen from him For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Arrested For Feeding Salt To Baby State Rep Arrested For […]


Why did a woman in New York get told by the driver of city bus to stop smoking and get off the bus…. She was paranoid… saying they’re coming after me.. They’re gonna shoot me…   The driver called dispatch and asked for another bus as he stopped and let the passengers off to continue their trips…. […]

U.S. Treasury plans to add a ‘notable woman’ to the $10 bill. — New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) June 18, 2015 Move over Alexander…