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Why did a a Mall Santa in … Florida…. tell a 10 year old girl that only one person was on his naughty list? He said Hillary Clinton then he started laughing.  The girls mother posted it and complained to mall management.  The Santa was removed and placed into HR counseling.  We don’t know if […]

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Why did a 3 year old girl from Arkansas climb into a washing machine and die and her mother got arrested? The mother who had taken anxiety drugs was asleep and the children were used to helping with the laundry.  The washer was programmed to switch on when the lid was closed For more information […]

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Why is there a documentary from Britain that shows men living life as puppies? It’s called “The Secret Lives Of The Human Pups”.  They dress like puppies, play with chew toys, eat out of bowls and walk on all fours with a leash. Most of the participants are gay males who have a thing for […]


Remember the Powerball winner from North Carolina who keeps bailing her boyfirend “hot sauce” out of jail….   Why is a pastor saying she backed down from a verbal contract to buy some land for a retreat facility for 1.5 million dollars…. Now the pastor is suing her for 10 million For more information on the Funk […]


Why is there a great gift for the outdoorsman in your family… Amazon and Ebay are now selling Cow Poop… or Cow Dung Patties… Online!!!!  The S__t Cakes are selling like Hotcakes in India…. they are great for starting and fueling fires For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Trucker […]


Why has Netflix come up with some socks that will pause your show when you fall asleep…. The Netflix socks will read your body to understand when you knock out and will stop your show so you can easily pick up where you nodded off For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]


Why did a couple in… Florida….  have a lovely evening… the man was being arrested for an outstanding warrant… they refused to come out of the mobile home…. and prevented two other women from leaving… S.W.A.T. waited for 6 and a half hours…    they  said they wouldn’t come out of the trailer until they had relations […]