Maria More

“Don’t wish for it, WORK for it.” – Author Unknown Remember, dreams can only become reality when you wake up and WORK! If you want to be successful, you have to turn your inspiration into ACTION!

Maria More

“Don’t wish for it, work for it.” – Author Unknown Wanting something is not enough, in order to achieve anything in life, you have to take ACTION. Don’t waste time contemplating your next move. Instead, GO FOR IT!

Maria More

“The distance between dreams and goals is called action.” – Author Unknown

Maria More

“A goal without a plan is just a wish…” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Motivation is a great start, but your dream won’t come to life until you act. If you have a goal, be sure to create a plan to get there!

Maria More

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Anon Every great accomplishment begins with the decision to try…not to “think” about trying. Remember, if you want to be successful, you can’t just “wish” for it, you must WORK for it!

Maria More

“Action always beats intention.” – Anon If you REALLY want something, don’t wish for it, WORK for it.

Maria More

“Don’t just wish for it, WORK for it.” – Anon Remember, procrastination can ruin a great opportunity. Don’t spend too much time contemplating. Instead, take ACTION and go after what you want now!

Maria More

“Procrastination is opportunity’s assassin.” – Victor Kiam Success requires you to turn your inspiration into ACTION. Don’t let contemplation build a wall between you and your dream. Instead, seize the moment and act NOW.  

Maria More

“A plan is only as good as those who see it through.” – Anon Writing your goals down and developing a plan is a great foundation but accomplishment comes through ACTION. Don’t just dream, DO. A plan is only as good as those who see it through.

Maria More

“Never hope for it more than you work for it.” – Author Unknown Motivation is a great start but success requires hard work. Don’t just dream, DO! Action is what gives your dream wings. Never hope for it more than you work for it!

Midday Motivation

“Stop dreaming, start doing.” – Anon Inspiration is the seed but only action will bring your dream to life. Don’t waste too much time contemplating your next move. Instead, ACT on what you want!

Maria More

“Action is the foundational key for all success.” – Picasso Remember, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Don’t waste time contemplating about what you want to do, take ACTION.