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Why did a company in Sweden create some handmade potato chips with a high price tag?  Why is the company selling the specially formulated chips in boxes of 5 chips for $56 dollars a box.  You heard me 5 chips for 56 bucks For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below […]

News One Exclusives

Abigail Fisher, the White woman who made a big fuss about the affirmative action program at the University of Texas, lost big at the Supreme Court on Thursday.

News One Exclusives

CBS Entertainment president Glenn Geller expressed his network’s commitment to diversity during a recent TV critics meeting by offering himself up as the epitome of diversification. Geller was quoted as saying, “I’m diverse, I fall into the LBGT category. I’m just a gay guy from Indiana who doesn’t play basketball. I mentioned my husband earlier, because I want to […]

News One Exclusives

In an op-ed for NewsOne, Benjamin L. Crump, president of the National Bar Association and prominent civil rights attorney, condemns Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia‘s remarks that some African-Americans are hurt by being admitted to top universities and might be better served at “slower-track” ones. The comments, which generated a firestorm of controversy, came last week during […]

It’s certainly clear that Mindy Kaling is the most talented person in her family. Unless of course you replace “talented” with “ridiculous,” in which case…

We may be praising Indian-American actress Mindy Kaling for breaking barriers as a woman of color in Hollywood, but it’s her older and estranged brother’s…

Casting directors think they know why the focus of fostering diversity is bothering certain people, but they still believe it’s time for Hollywood to get…

Entertainment News

  1. Detroit Teen Takes Affirmative Action Talk about not taking no for an answer! High school senior Brooke Kimbrough is literally this week’s poster…

Entertainment News

Sonia Sotomayor Delivers Blistering Dissent Against Affirmative Action Ban The Supreme Court upheld Michigan’s ban on affirmative action Tuesday, but not without a blistering dissent…

Entertainment News

The John Roberts’ (pictured) court did not completely pull out the rug from under affirmative action. Yet one could argue that it tripped Michigan’s Affirmative…

Entertainment News

Young adults are often told that their college years will be the best years of their lives. An in-depth report from The New York Times…

Entertainment News

It’s a quietly-accepted theory, but now it’s out of the bag. Today on “NewsOne Now,” Roland Martin talks with a caller who proclaims White women…