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Why was a man in Ohio arrested for trying to have relations with a van that was parked on the street? The man who was intoxicated and was swinging on a stop sign, was seen with his man part in the grill of the van For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]


The high school student was shot twice — once in each bicep — with one of the bullets punching through her arm and into her chest.


Why is there more evidence that China may be the new.. Florida…. Why is there a video of a couple on the sidewalk, in broad daylight… having relations as people walk by and cars drive by…. It’s not known whether they are homeless or just out of control For more information on the Funk Dats, […]

Desperation reached a whole new level for 22-year-old Javeele Thomas. She stole Jalayia Gonzalez, the 4-month-old baby she was babysitting to convince her boyfriend that she’d…

Entertainment News

4 Year Old Destroys Babysitter’s Plan To “Blame The Black Man” In Home Robbery It’s no secret that “blame the black man” is a time…