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Why did a Veterinary hospital in Savannah Ga put an interesting sign in front of the office?  Why did the sign say” We’re no Tom Brady, but we do deflate balls” For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Man Mauled By Tigers At Chinese Zoo FED-EX Employee Extinguishes Burning Flags […]

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Why did a man in Michigan get a ticket for leaving his car running in his own driveway?  He started his car t let it warm and 7 or 8 minutes later he noticed a ticket for $128. His citation was for leaving a motor vehicle unattended For more information on the Funk Dats, click […]

Why did an employee at a gas station in Memphis get stabbed?  A man ran toward the employee and stabbed him in the leg because he got a bad piece of chicken and wanted his money back For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Employee Stabbed Over Bad Chicken Chicago […]


Trish Doolin said Seattle's KeyBank went as far as to call her company to verify if she was actually an employee there.

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Why did a mother of two say that her hobby is having plastic surgery done on herself.  She says she wants to look like a cartoon character For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below $5 Shoplifting Mentally Ill Man Died In Jail  Texas Woman Raped By Police Offered Taco Mother […]

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Why are doctors in Spain warning people that are engaging in Sex Roulette parties… where they have unprotected sex with other people and one of them supposedly has H.I.V. For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Banking While Black Men Post Video Of Sex With Minor To Facebook Sexual Assault […]

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Why did a Saudi man get his brand new bride to the hotel after their wedding and try to cuddle.  But she wasn’t interested. She was busy returning all the text messages from friends and family members that congratulated them.  He asked her to return the messages later, she refused and said her friends were […]


Why is there more evidence that China may be the new.. Florida…. Why is there a video of a couple on the sidewalk, in broad daylight… having relations as people walk by and cars drive by…. It’s not known whether they are homeless or just out of control For more information on the Funk Dats, […]


Why did an Atlanta rapper named Blac Youngsta… say he took $200 thousand dollars out of his account when he got stopped by the police… who say they want to investigate the legitimacy of his money so they confiscated $100 thousand For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Powerball Player […]


Why has Netflix come up with some socks that will pause your show when you fall asleep…. The Netflix socks will read your body to understand when you knock out and will stop your show so you can easily pick up where you nodded off For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]


Why did a man in Oregon break into a home strip down and get bucked nekked….  and climb into the bed with couple living there…..  he was holding a knife when he sat on top of the man and kissed the man….. The man pulled out a gun…. the intruder ran and 3 shots were […]


A Black teenager from the D.C. area inspired protests after a recording showed him being brutally detained by police officers for making a White customer at a local bank feel "uncomfortable."