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Why did a company in Sweden create some handmade potato chips with a high price tag?  Why is the company selling the specially formulated chips in boxes of 5 chips for $56 dollars a box.  You heard me 5 chips for 56 bucks For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below […]

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Why is there a man in … Florida… who has half a head and the nickname Halfy?  His head was affected when he had an accident while on drugs.  Why was he arrested for setting his own bed on fire For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Kills 8 […]

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Why did a man in Nashville gt caught in bed with a stolen lingerie mannequin?  An employee of a store argued with the man who tossed the mannequin in his truck.  Her arm blew off but the suspect didn’t retrieve it.  The mannequin was said to be worth $5000 and the man was charged with […]


Why did Nephew Tommy do something like this as a prank call… but this is real…. Why did  the family of 2 year old twins in Vietnam… decide to get DNA tests done on the children… one has thick hair, the other… thin…. according to the scientists…. the twins have different fathers For more information […]


Why did a man in Oregon break into a home strip down and get bucked nekked….  and climb into the bed with couple living there…..  he was holding a knife when he sat on top of the man and kissed the man….. The man pulled out a gun…. the intruder ran and 3 shots were […]

Entertainment News

Okay so this was either a very sweet idea or a really bad idea depending on how you look at it but according to Us…