Check out today’s Dating Disaster and give your dating advice below!! If you have a Dating Disaster, and you want to share it! Make sure you e-mail your story to! Follow Dee Dee Parker on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER!


Why did a 32 year old man in South Carolina beat his stepfather…. repeatedly punching him in the head because the step-father spilled a cup of kool-aid….  Then the man left the scene….  2 hours later he came back to the house and officers found him hiding behind the door in his bedroom For more […]

News & Gossip

With the temperature taking a big dip recently, most of us were probably not prepared with the correct bedding. Here are 5 warm and inviting comforters and duvet covers for your bed this winter. The Must-Have Color To Introduce In Your Home In 2012 Does Your Clothing Style Define Your Decorating Style?