Maria More

If you’re looking for a last minute fix to get your belly flat for those Summer vacation photos, here are 3 things that can get you well on your way! Eat smaller meals more frequently. Smaller meals gives your digestive system more time to process foods you eat and can help reduce bloating. Reduce your […]

Maria More

In this edition of Wellness Wednesdays, Maria More shares the best time for you to eat to boost metabolism and lower insulin levels, which lead to fat loss around the mid section. She also gives a few tips on digestion to get rid of “sticky weight”. Sign Up For Our Newsletter!  

Maria More

It’s easy to get discouraged when your waistline is expanding. But it is important to discern the difference between belly fat (which most commonly requires diet and exercise to get rid of) and bloat (which is often temporary). A strategy to shrink your waistline should take whether you have belly fat or bloat into consideration. If your […]

Maria More

Not only is water necessary for hydration and overall survival, it can also be a great aid in helping you lose stubborn belly fat. When combined with diet, exercise and a few lifestyle changes, upping your water intake can really help shrink your mid section. Here’s a step by step example of how you can […]

Maria More

I came across a great article on Good Housekeeping that highlights 8 things you can do to get a flat belly without diet or exercise. Check out these practical tips that can slim your midsection. Drink Water: when you are dehydrated your body holds on to water, making you look bloated. Believe it or not, […]

Maria More

From adding more protein to your diet to making sure you stay active, there are many strategies that you can use to rid yourself of that stubborn belly fat. Check out these helpful tips from to get on the road to a flatter tummy.

Maria More

The thing I hear most people complain about the most (when it comes to fitness) is their belly bulge. While most people think ab exercises are the answer (they are helpful), the “real” solution is pin pointing what’s causing you to retain weight in your mid section. For some people, it’s eating in excess, for […]

One of the biggest complaints among women when it comes to weight loss is belly fat. There’s no doubt that getting active and doing core exercises is important to flatten your tummy. But there are also important things you should do outside of the gym. Here are 3 ways to lose belly fat without doing […]

Probably one of the most complained about problem areas for women is belly fat. And it seems like the older you get, the harder it is to burn fat in your midsection. While food like white bread, sugar and rice make things worse, there are also foods that can help you get rid of the […]

Body & Soul

“How do I get rid of this belly fat?” This is easily one of the most common weight loss questions out there. In addition to…

Body & Soul

“How do I get rid of this belly fat?” This is easily one of the most common weight loss questions out there. In addition to…

Elev8 Health

A Flat Contoured Stomach is a goal many people are striving to have.  However, the battle of the bulge is a reality many people have to face.  Are you doing a lot of ab exercises and still no results? Maybe there’s a bigger problem you need to address.