Check out today’s Dating Disaster and give your dating advice below!! If you have a Dating Disaster, and you want to share it! Make sure you e-mail your story to! Follow Dee Dee Parker on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER!  

Check out today’s Dating Disaster and give your dating advice below!! If you have a Dating Disaster, and you want to share it! Make sure you e-mail your story to! Follow Dee Dee Parker on IG @IAMDEEDEEPARKER!

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Why did a woman in New York find the leg of a dead rat sewn into the hem of a garment.  She said she started noticing a strong odor but couldn’t get away from it.  Finally she saw what she thought was a string rubbing against her but it was the leg of a rodent […]

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Why did 2 marine roomates in California playing Pokemon Go observe a man acting strangely? The game of one of the Marine’s froze… and while the screen was re-freshing they saw a man approach a woman at a park with her children.  They ran off and the woman called 911.  Intrigued, the Marines continued to […]


Why do they keep doing stories about how your fitbit can tell on you….    Why did a woman in New York start to experience a consistently high heartbeat according to her fitbit device….   turns out the heartbeat wasn’t hers…. she is pregnant…… Congrats baby girl For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below […]


Why is there a video from Memphis where several heavily armed officers serve a warrant… they arrest their man with out incident but one officer is seen holding a rifle on a pregnant woman, her fiance and another man… Funk Dat  Have your gun, have your hands on your gun…. but there is no need […]

Don’t get raped in Michigan, conceive a child and then think you’re going to be able to abort said baby using your current insurance. It’s…

Entertainment News

  When you go to a strip club, you know you are going to come home with your pockets feeling a whole lot lighter. Enjoying…

Entertainment News

From New York Times WASHINGTON — With the stroke of President Obama’s pen, his health care overhaul — the most sweeping social legislation enacted in decades — became law on Tuesday. Mr. Obama affixed his curlicue signature, almost letter by letter, to the measure, the Affordable Health Care for America Act, during a ceremony in […]

VIA: As the U.S. House approved a sweeping health care overhaul Sunday, Georgians alternately were celebrating and bemoaning the changes. Some, too, were wishing the long-labored legislation did even more. “There’s going to be a lot of good, not only for Georgia, but all Americans,” said Lee Goodall, state director of Organizing for America, […]

From New York Times: Congress gave final approval on Sunday to legislation that would provide medical coverage to tens of millions of uninsured Americans and remake the nation’s health care system along the lines proposed by President Obama. By a vote of 219 to 212, the House passed the bill after a day of tumultuous […]

Entertainment News

The Senate passed a $871 billion health care reform bill Thursday morning, handing President Obama a Christmas Eve victory on his top domestic priority. The bill passed in a 60-39 party line vote after months of heated partisan debate. Every member of the Democratic caucus backed the measure; every Republican opposed it.