Election 2016

Moira Smith, a lawyer from Alaska, said that she was groped by Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas during a Truman Foundation dinner 17 years ago.

News One Exclusives

Roland Martin and an expert panel of guests dissect the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.


"When she gets knocked down, she doesn’t complain. She doesn’t cry foul," Michelle Obama said while incredulously tapping her microphone.

Election 2016

Democrats fear that Black Floridians may stay home on Election Day. Clinton's campaign plans to dispatch three heavy hitters to rally the Black vote across the state.


Day two of the DNC will be unprecedented as Bill Clinton takes the stage in support of his wife, candidate Hillary Clinton, while the Black mothers of recent shooting victims tell their story of grief and resilience in an effort to enforce gun control.

Election 2016

Donald Trump is drawing fire after calling Hillary Clinton a "nasty, mean enabler" of her husband's affairs.


Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that Hillary Clinton's use of the term "super-predators," said while the then-first lady was supporting the legislation, was used in reference to young black individuals.

Stumping for HRC at an event in Philadelphia, the Former President had a testy exchange with protestors. It didn't go well to say the least.

Election 2016

Bill Clinton unleashed a torrent of angry rhetoric at Black Lives Matter protesters Thursday during a campaign speech for his wife in Philadelphia after demonstrators condemned him and his wife for supporting his crime bill.

Election 2016

Since jumping into the presidential race in June, Hillary Clinton has made it a point to reach out to Black voters, who have long supported her family’s political legacy. But the steady drumbeat of announcing support and endorsements from African-American celebrities, activists, lawmakers and the parents of fallen unarmed Black men is beginning to look, well, like political pandering.