Entertainment News

Since the horrific 2009 incident where he physically assaulted then-girlfriend Rihanna, R&B star Chris Brown has been on a continuous downward spiral. There have been multiple arrests, pressed charges, messy breakups, online fights and numerous attacks on the media, but Billboard has released a detailed account of just how deep and serious Brown’s problems are. […]

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Why was a lady in Tennessee claiming that she was attacked by bed bugs on her medial transportation bus?  Why did the woman say the seat was in such bad shape that the bus was taking her to her doctor and the doctor diagnosed the bites on her back from the ride to his office […]

Paris Jackson has no problem speaking up for what she feels is right – even at the risk of offending family and fans.

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Why did a rattlesnake bite a groom in Colorado as he posed for a wedding picture? The couple was trying to flag down a park ranger who thought they were happy… they yelled for help and he yelled Congratulations!!! For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Baby Left In Car […]


Why did a mother in …Florida… hire a stripper for her son’s birthday party…  Her son is 8 years old….   Someone took a video where you see the woman wearing a pink bra and panties grinding against the boy’s face while he spank’s her and tosses her money For more information on the Funk […]


Remember the Powerball winner from North Carolina who keeps bailing her boyfirend “hot sauce” out of jail….   Why is a pastor saying she backed down from a verbal contract to buy some land for a retreat facility for 1.5 million dollars…. Now the pastor is suing her for 10 million For more information on the Funk […]

Entertainment News

In a Billboard interview that found her admitting she should probably “tone it down,” Azealia Banks failed to do so and found herself issuing the…

Jada Pinkett Smith is shedding light on the sex trafficking industry in an upcoming documentary for CNN. Filming for the project is well underway, and…

Entertainment News

We thought Britney Spears looked banging in her new music video “Work B*tch,” but apparently she had a little help from the “Airbrush Diet” to…


  Okay so all you iphone users who were throwing fits can relax now as word is swirling around the internets that Billboard Magazine is…

Entertainment News

So, now that one of the victims of Miguel’s stage jumping adornment, has an attorney on retainer, reports have been circulating that “the powers that…