Ryan Cameron Uncensored

The National Black Radio Hall of Fame, located in St. Louis, Mo., is a non-profit organization established in 2010 to recognize and acknowledge the countless contributions of personalities and pioneers to African American radio nationwide. With 10 city chapters throughout the country, being recognized on this level is truly an achievement that will be remembered […]


Each year, less than one in every 1,000 teens will achieve a 36 on this college entrance exam.


However, the 17-year-old is taking a year off before she attends the Ivy League university.

You are not your circumstances. That statement couldn’t be any more true for the phenomenal Trameka Pope, a Chicago high schooler who graduated at the top of her class at Chicago’s Wendell Phillips High School, even though she was homeless and a teen mom. After giving birth to her daughter when she was in the […]

We love Black excellence. 19-year-old Jasmine Cofield graduated from high school last year with three college degrees. Say what?! While most of us are struggling…

Harold Ekeh, an impressive 18-year-old high school senior, has the toughest decision ever to make: He’s been accepted to every college he’s applied to, including all eight ivy…