Maria's Fit Tip

Moving your body is necessary for overall health but if you are aiming to reduce some pounds, here are a few ways to add cardio to conquer your goals: 1) HIIT – High Intensity Training: this cardio is going to give you the most bang for your buck. High Intensity involves training in a higher […]

Maria More

If you’re new to exercise or just de-conditioned, check out this list of tips for exercise beginners.

Maria More

Run Run Run! That’s what many believe is the “key” to weight loss. However, there are some cardio myths that can actually lead to weight GAIN! Yup, all that running, all that SWEATING just to gain weight? TOTALLY NOT worth it! Learn more cardio myths you should avoid HERE.

Maria More

To maximize your results, you should do your best to choose a fitness program that is aligned with your goals. While fat loss is maximized through cardio activity, muscle gains require more strength training. If you are trying to figure out the right “mix” for you, read more HERE.

Maria More

Do you DREAD working out or feel like you can’t keep up? Just like everything else is life, to get good at working out, you have to keep practicing BUT you have to take it one step at a time. Sometimes pushing yourself too hard when you’re not ready can lead to you giving up. […]

Maria More

From cardio, to strength training and even yoga. The proper mix of exercises can be the perfect formula for anti-aging goals. Read more tips HERE.

Maria More

Most of us are guilty of giving in to the occasional “cheat meal” and many of us have taken it overboard. If you’ve been a victim of binge eating, don’t let that “food baby” discourage you from getting back on track. From drinking LOTS of water, sipping on green tea and upping your cardio, there […]

Maria More

Heart rate is important to monitor while you exercise because it is an indication of intensity and calories burned. While working out, you should aim for a heart rate (measured in beats per minute) to be at a level that is effective and corresponds with your fitness/weight loss goals. It is also important to stay […]

Maria More

One of the biggest lessons I have learned during my fitness journey is the importance of building muscle, especially if you’re going for that “toned” look. However, many fitness newcomers are clueless as to what it takes to actually BUILD muscle. One of the most common mistakes that people make is cutting calories during a building […]

Maria More

Aging doesn’t have to be a negative experience. As a matter of fact, you have the choice between aging like milk or like WINE (lol). If you’re 40 or older, try this fitness formula to feel like you’re in your 20’s again. Over 40 “Do’s”: Cardio: 30 minutes per day, 5 times per week. You […]

Maria More

From adding a day of cardio to eating more protein, there are a variety of ways to break through a fitness plateau. If you’ve been working hard and staying disciplined with your eating habits but feel stuck, try these tips to start seeing progress again: Eat more protein and healthy fats: Not only does protein help […]

If you’re on a weight loss journey, you want to make the most of your time in the gym. Studies have shown that the more muscle you have, the more you maximize your fat burning potential. A great approach to your workouts is to do your weight lifting BEFORE you do cardio exercises. Here’s why: […]