It's been discovered that "I Have A Dream" debuted on November 17, 1962 in a segregated high school gym in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.

Black History Month

Here’s some key events that happened on this day brought to you by Black Facts Today, February 4th, Freedom fighter Rosa Parks (born Roas Louise McCauley) was born yin Tuskegee, Alabama, 1913. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks (was an American activist in the civil rights movement best known for her pivotal role in the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The United States Congress has called her “the […]


Civil rights leaders met with Attorney General Jeff Sessions to discuss their concerns about the DOJ's direction.


He says Rep. Lewis should “spend more time on fixing and helping his district.”


Federal officials conclude that closing and reducing services in driver license's centers in Alabama violates civil rights, reaching an agreement Wednesday with the state law enforcement agency to ensure "that all Alabama residents have access to driver licensing programs, regardless of race, color or national origin."


In 1955, the death of Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African-American teenager who was lynched after allegedly flirting with a White woman in rural Mississippi, sparked controversy across America. The two White men responsible for brutally murdering Till were let off by an all-White jury. The case brought attention to how racism is intertwined with America’s […]


The Education Department accesses civil rights gains under President Obama. Activists are preparing for rollbacks under Trump's administration.

News One Exclusives

What is the path going forward in an America led by one of the most polarizing President-elects in modern-day history?

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Rep. Jeffries dissected the history of Africans in America and the Black experience in the United States.

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Civil Rights activist Clarence Henderson explains why he is supporting Trump for President.

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On Tuesday, former congressman and civil rights legend Walter Fauntroy was expected to go before a judge.

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While it may be evident that the movement is the largest Black liberation movement in recent history, some still ask if Black Lives Matter the new voice for the unheard?