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Why did a a Mall Santa in … Florida…. tell a 10 year old girl that only one person was on his naughty list? He said Hillary Clinton then he started laughing.  The girls mother posted it and complained to mall management.  The Santa was removed and placed into HR counseling.  We don’t know if […]

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Why is a teacher in Oregon under fire for sending home a survey?  Why did the teacher, who is white, want to start a discussion with the homework assignment called “White Privilege Survey”…. Why is at least one parent upset saying he would like to see his son learning actual education and not be a […]

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Why did a woman show up in a viral video…. stuck in a bathroom stall because the baby changing table was left down For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Zimmerman On Sale Of Gun That Killed Trayvon Martin Dog Dies after Being Hit By Meter Reader Mother Of […]

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Why did a man in Oregon who owns a pet store… get arrested for using store funds and money from a donation jar to pay a hooker and he tipped the woman with an animal called a bush baby For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Man Arrested For DUI […]