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Why did a man in Paris sue his former employer claiming that after he lost a contract for the company, they stripped his responsibilities caused him to get bored and depressed over a 4 year period…. He is suing for $170 thousand dollars in damages For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each […]


Why did a man in … Florida….   go to a Pet store that specialized in puppies…. and stuff a $1600 dollar Yorkshire terrier puppy down his shirt….. then traded the puppy for crack For more information on the Funk Dats, click each link below OK Man Steals Chair Faces 20 Years Canadian Man Gets Ticket […]

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President Obama signed legislation on Tuesday reducing longstanding federal sentencing disparities between those caught with crack and those arrested with powder cocaine, finalizing a bipartisan consensus addressing a racially polarizing law enforcement debate.

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Congress has passed historic legislation that will reduce cocaine sentencing disparities in America's judicial system.

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A <strong>35-mile rift</strong> in the desert of <strong>Ethiopia</strong> will likely become a new ocean eventually, researchers now confirm. The crack, 20 feet wide in spots, opened in 2005 and some geologists believed then that it would spawn a new ocean. <!--more-->