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Why did a 68 year old Step Father in …,. Florida get into an argument with his 55 year old step son over a chili dog?  Why did the step father shoot the stepson in the face? For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Step Father Kills Step Son Over […]

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Why is a woman from Memphis Tennessee wanted by police?  Her picture is being posted by the Sheriff’s office  because she is wanted for theft.  She stole a stripper pole valued at $364 For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Florida Congressional Candidate Assault Rifle Giveaway Memphis Woman Steals Stripper […]

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Why did a Saudi man get his brand new bride to the hotel after their wedding and try to cuddle.  But she wasn’t interested. She was busy returning all the text messages from friends and family members that congratulated them.  He asked her to return the messages later, she refused and said her friends were […]

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Why is there a lady from Virginia who will turn 100 years old this Saturday?  You know what she wants to do for her birthday?  She wants to Pole Dance For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below DeKalb Baby Shot Mother’s Day Cemetery Fight Woman Sues Dating Website For Connection […]

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Why did a personal injury lawyer from… Florida….  who went after drunk drivers… get arrested for DUI while speeding in his Lamgourghini….  On the firm’s website they say…. “We aggressively pursue cases against irresponsible drunk drivers For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below Mother Killed On Mother’s Day In Front […]


Why did a Pennsylvania woman get arrested for DUI crashes twice in the same day…. in the same car…..  the second wreck destroyed a shed and a pickup truck     For more information on the Funk Dats, click on each link below   Shots Fired Outside Funeral Of Gun Violence Victim Man Requests 6 […]