Entertainment News

One of President Obama’s staffers was arrested for allegedly pulling a gun on her boyfriend after suspecting him of cheating.

Entertainment News

V. Stiviano, the woman who last year leaked evidence of racism by former Clippers owner Donald Sterling, has to pay Sterling’s wife back $2.6 million for…

Entertainment News

We almost forgot how V. Stiviano singlehandedly took down former Clippers owner and racist Donald Sterling last year. Now, his wife, Shelly, has gotten revenge on her…

Entertainment News

2014 was an amazing year. This past year was full of stories that have touched our hearts, angered many in our community and forced many of…


Take a look at the year’s biggest stories!

Atlanta Hawks general manager Danny Ferry has issued a statement apologizing for comments he made to the team’s ownership group in June when the organization pursued Luol Deng as a free agent. The comments from Ferry, where he referred to Deng, who is Sudanese, as someone who has “a little African in him,” led to […]

Atlanta Hawks co-owner Bruce Levenson is selling his controlling share in the NBA team after some racial comments he made have come to light. Yet another NBA team owner has been thrust into the spotlight for racist remarks. An email that Bruce sent just over two years ago went public. In it he expressed his […]

Months after audio leaked of billionaire Donald Sterling making racist comments about African Americans, his Los Angeles Clippers basketball franchise has been sold to new…

Entertainment News

Donald Sterling could spend the rest of his days wearing a Black Jesus (or even Yeezus tee) while holding a Black baby in one arm while using…

Entertainment News

Los Angles Clippers owner Donald Sterling became the old, wrinkled face of racism when a conversation with his mistress V. Stiviano was leaked to the public…