
After a hand recount, it is confirmed Biden won Georgia by 12,000+ votes, becoming the first Democratic presidential candidate to win the state since 1992.


On Monday at the University of Chicago, the former president will engage young adults on civic engagement and community organizing.


Rear Adm. Sylvia Trent-Adams will replace Vivek H. Murthy as Surgeon General.


California Representative Maxine Waters is refusing to be duped into accepting Donald Trump’s behavior as normal for a president. When she appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday, she told the hosts why she doesn’t come out for any ceremonial political gatherings surrounding the current president. “I don’t honor him. I don’t respect this president. […]


Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters once again on Tuesday called for Trump's impeachment, describing him as contemptible, and more.


Symone Sanders is clear: Don't you ever in your life, compare a humanitarian and Nobel Peace Prize winner to the vagina-grabbing President Donald Trump.


The U.S. military has released a 22,000 pound bomb nicknamed “the mother of all bombs”, targeting the ISIS-K complex in Afghanistan. “At 7:32 p.m. local time today, U.S. Forces – Afghanistan conducted a strike on an ISIS-K tunnel complex in Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghanistan, as part of ongoing efforts to defeat ISIS-K in Afghanistan in […]


Guy Anthony and George Johnson founded the nonprofit, Black, Gifted, and Whole, to help empower young, queer Black men through mentoring and scholarship at HBCUs.


#45's trips to his luxury Florida resort have already cost Americans at least $24 million— roughly as much as Obama spent on travel in the first 24 months of his presidency.


President Donald Trump ordered the launch of 59 Tomahawk missiles Thursday at a Syrian military base following the country's suspected use of chemical weapons in an attack that killed over 100 people.


The California Congresswoman also had words for Fox News anchor Bill O' Reilly.


President Donald Trump has launched between 50-60 missiles at a Syrian government airbase in retaliation for Syria’s chemical weapons attack on civilians. Sign Up For Our Newsletter! CNN reports: The strikes are the first direct military action the US has taken against the leadership of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the country’s six-year civil war […]